Why Are Christians so Overbearing in Talking to Me About the Lord?

by Mar 6, 2017Personal Evangelism

I never excuse what Christians do when they evangelize in a wrong way. Yes, every single person on earth needs to know the Lord, but there’s a right way and a wrong way of spreading His message. I regret if you’ve been a victim of receiving it the wrong way. You are not the first person offended by the way a Christian spoke to them, and unfortunately, you won’t be the last.

Know that most believers who push too hard are coming from a kind place. There are times when they care so deeply for people that they are overzealous in to talking them. That overzealousness can understandably strike people the wrong way.

Whatever you do, though, don’t focus so much on how these believers said what they said that you miss what they said. After all, that is precisely what Satan would love to see you do, because he wants to keep you forever separated from God. Ask the average person, “What do you have to do to get to heaven?” They are apt to give you a list of what I call the “famous five”: 1) go to church, 2) be good, 3) be baptized, 4) keep the ten commandments, and 5) take the sacraments. The Bible cannot state any clearer that none of these things could get us to heaven.

We have to come to God, recognizing that we are sinners who deserve eternal separation from Him. The Bible says in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” All includes everyone—you and me. Two thousand years ago on a cross the perfect Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself, took our punishment and died in our place as our substitute. Romans 5:8 explains, “But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” On the third day, He arose as proof of His victory over sin and the grave.

Because the price for sin has been paid, God can now give us eternal life as a completely free gift! To accept that gift, we must simply place our trust in Christ alone to save us. That’s why so often the Bible uses the word believe. John 3:36 tell us, “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life.” If you have never understood that, you can trust Christ in the privacy of wherever you are by acknowledging that you are a sinner, recognizing He died for you, and placing your trust in Christ alone to save you.

Christians are so excited about that message and so desirous of everyone else to know Christ that they sometimes come across as overbearing. Once again, forgive them. Whatever you do, don’t get so distracted by the messenger that you miss the message. If you come to Christ, the relief, peace, forgiveness, and joy you will experience will perhaps help you understand why they came across the way they did.